Doc News
Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park
2017 Summer Schedule
Doc Holliday & Kid Curry
See the Outlaws and Inlaws!
Visit the 2017 Cavern’s Rogues Gallery!
– 2017 Caverns Schedule –
Saturday May 27 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday May 28 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday June 03 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday June 04 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday June 10 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday May 11 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday June 17 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday June 18 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday June 24 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday June 25 – Noon to 4:00 PM
(sorry, No Doc, Sunday)
Saturday July 01 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday July 02 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday July 08 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday July 09 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday July 15 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday July 16 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday July 22 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday July 23 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday August 05 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday August 06 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday August 123 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday August 13 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday August 19 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday August 20 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Saturday August 26 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday August 27 – Noon to 4:00 PM*
Saturday September 02 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday September 03 – Noon to 4:00 PM
Labor Day Weekend
Bring your camera!
Take a photo with Doc Holliday & Kid Curry
The two most photographed Winchesters in the world!
Thousands of Caverns visitors
have been photographed with our Western antiques.
Hold a real cowboy firearm and take a picture to prove it!
Winchester Model 1873 carbine in 44-40 centerfire, Model 1, #95551A (1882).
A nice old example of “The Gun That Won The West!”
Winchester Model 1897, 12 ga. pump shotgun.
# 75721 cut off to create a “coach gun”
and special for the ladies…
Remington Derringer 1866 (.41 rimfire)
A type two, “B” model (it has an extractor)
Manufactured in the late 1860’s.
Exactly like the one that belonged to Doc Holliday!
That gun, has just been “re-discovered!
see: at Doc’s Guns
Take a photo on your camera of you or yours
holding one of these Western Legends!
Here are some very nice emails from happy visitors:
“Thank you for the memories at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park! We are from California. We visited our grandson and his parents who live in Glenwood Springs and had a wonderful time and you two were the highlights!
Even in that HOT weather, all the while in dark coats and in the full sun, you stayed out there and never wavered. You made so many people happy and all the time keeping them entertained! My husband was thrilled when you took the time to show him your rifles and the inscriptions! I sat in the shady area to rest while the rest of my group went on to the caverns and watched you guys. You both were so good with people of all ages. Your kind approach was wonderful.
Kudos to your “profession” as entertainers who really like your work and it shows. That park should be very happy they have you two there for the enjoyment of all.”
L.L. – California (08/2014)
“Before we had even left Glenwood my friend M—– and I were already planning when we’d come back. I can’t wait to bring my two boys; they were on the edge of their seats when I told them we got to meet Doc Holliday and Kid Curry. The whole experience was sooooo awesome!!! I feel so blessed that my friend M—– brought me along and shared all of this me. I quickly figured out why she was so adamant about staying an hour out of our way from where we were headed in B—–. Awesome Awesome Awesome!!! I home school my boys and plan our next visit to be an educated one. What a great way to teach them history!”
K.F – Colorado (07/2011)
“Hi! My husband Clay and I really enjoyed talking with Doc and Kid Curry at Glenwood Caverns on my birthday May 28th. We learned a little history, had some laughs and took some good shots. Hope they make your day like they did ours! Thank you!”
Lita and Clay (05/2016)
“Thank you Doc and Kid! We love Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park, but seeing you guys there was like a cherry on top! You were so great with the kids, having fun taking pictures, and teaching them a bit of history at the same time. We hope to see you again next time!”
The Wardle family (08/2016)
Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park
5100 Two Rivers Plaza Road
Glenwood Springs, CO 81641
See the Outlaws and Inlaws!
Visit the 2017 Cavern’s Rogues Gallery!
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Ghost Walk 2017
18th annual
Our 18th Annual in Linwood Pioneer Cemetery
October 13 & 14
October 20 & 21
October 27 & 28
Tours start at: 7:00, 7:45, 8:30 & 9:15 PM
Tickets and information available at:
Frontier Historical Society
1001 Colorado Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Come for a walk in the dark on a crisp October evening.
The tour is a moderately strenuous mile and a half.
Definitely some uphill getting to the cemetery.
You will visit some pioneer’s graves.
The occupants will regale you with stories of the times, their life and their fate.
Then, our trusty guides will return you to the world of the living.
Hot apple cider, homemade cookies and off you go…
See the spirits…
(Appearance schedules of specific ghosts usually available around October 1st.)
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This part of Doc News is about Old Performances
2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park
Summer 2016
Doc Holliday & Kid Curry
See the Outlaws and Inlaws!
Visit the 2016 Cavern’s Rogues Gallery!
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Ghost Walk 2016
Our 17th Annual in Linwood Pioneer Cemetery
October 14 & 15
October 21 & 22
See the spirits…
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Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park
Summer 2015
Doc Holliday & Kid Curry
See the Outlaws and Inlaws!
Visit the 2015 Cavern’s Rogues Gallery!
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New Castle, CO
Friends of the Library – Fundraiser
New Castle Community Center
06/12/2015 – 7:30 – 9:30 (pm)
423 W. Main
New Castle, CO
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Silt, CO
Rural Philanthropy Days
Silt, CO – 06/24/2015
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2015 Ghost Walk
Our 16th Annual in Linwood Pioneer Cemetery
October 16 & 17 – October 23 & 24 – October30 & 31
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Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park
Summer 2014
Doc Holliday & Kid Curry
See the Outlaws and Inlaws!
Visit the 2014 Cavern’s Rogues Gallery!
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2014 Garfield County Fair
Friday August 8th – 3:00 to 7:00 PM
Saturday August 9th – 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Garfield County Fairgrounds
Rifle, CO
Bring your camera for photos with:
Doc Holliday and Kid Curry
Doc will make special appearance at:
The Fair Volunteers Bar-B-Que
Tuesday August 5th – 6:00 to 7:30 PM
The fair had it’s hazards!
We both nearly fell prey to “The Beast from Hollow Mountain”.
Anybody go back that far?
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Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park
Summer 2013
Find the photos you sent to us at:
Doc & The Kid’s 2013 Caverns Rogues Gallery
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2013 Durango & Silverton True West Rail Fest

Durango, Colorado August 15 – 18, 2013
A fun show! Check out the pictures!
Click here for Doc’s 2013 TrueWest RailFest Photo Album
End: Doc News